To stop smoking with cigarette electroniqueLe global success of the electronic cigarette owes nothing to chance and instead explained by two reasons quite objective . Firstly, and this is particularly important , vapoter e liquid is used , which, unlike smoking , presents no major health hazard!
Indeed, the liquid used is based on propylene glycol , an additive used for decades by the food industry as well as within the manufacturing nebulizers for asthma . The second reason is economic: vapoter is much cheaper than smoking, while providing pleasure as intense and more varied.
Choose an electronic cigarette is not complicated , supply declining broadly into three types of products. Disposable or semi- disposable models, which are very similar to ordinary cigarettes, generally cost less than five euros . A little more expensive models with a refillable cartridge is designed for use over time and are mostly at prices ranging from thirty to fifty euros.
Beyond this price range , the tank is larger battery has a longer battery life and the electronic cigarette is really a beautiful object that attracts by its technical features in its design.
The choice of liquid is wide. Indeed , the flavors are extremely varied , ranging from fruit to chocolate e liquid , through the liquid coffee or e liquid e rum ! It will be possible to find something for everyone , or what may be an interesting alternative as part of a gift, choose an assortment.
More specifically addressed to smoking e liquid containing nicotine and more or less faithfully reproduce the taste of tobacco may help those who want to quit smoking immediately and completely without renouncing their habits.